martedì 8 marzo 2016

Homework #7

If I could quote the passages talking about rivers and trees... so the machine in "Soul Mountain" reveals the human brutality over nature, the political history that leaves traces.

“Afterwards when she ran out of ammunition, she was caught, stripped, and a soldier fired a magazine of bullets from his submachine gun into her vagina.” (the ranger of Heiwan River talking about his period during the army).

“However waterwheels aren’t used today and the irrigation machines are driven by electricity, so such sights are no longer to be seen.” (the protagonist talking about the natural environment of South-China around the city of Jiangling).

“People were tied with wire at the wrists in groups of three and forced into the river by spraying them with machine gun fire: if one was hit all three fell.” (the chief officer of one boat describing the Cultural Revolution period to the protagonist while smoking)

“He saw her before she changed to go into the machine room and, after praising it, said she should only wear clothes she had designed herself. A couple of days later he got two tickets for a fashion show and invited her to go with him.” (Narrating to the protagonist the sad story of a young woman of one village, probably fictional).

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